West Midland Bird Club 
Studying Birds in Staffordshire, Warwickshire, 
Worcestershire and the West Midlands since 1929

WMBC Membership & Harborne Permit Information & Application

If, after reading about the types of WMBC Membership & Harborne Permit available, you would like to become a member of WMBC or purchase a Harborne permit please select an application method by clicking on the links at the end of this document. Online application & payment is the preferred option by WMBC.

Please do NOT use this to renew an existing membership. Online renewal is under development and will be available separately from November onwards.

There are two basic types of WMBC membership - Standard Membership and Inclusive Membership. Inclusive membership is available at reduced cost for the younger birder in two categories: Young Birder Membership (Age 16-17) and 18-23 Birder Membership (Age 18-23) as well as the full cost “Adult” Inclusive Membership. In addition, Joint Membership is available for the spouse/partner of Standard and Inclusive members for a small additional cost.


Joint membership does not change the existing rights of partners of members in any way and is entirely optional for those who require the additional benefits it gives. It is open only to the Spouse/Partner of a fully paid up member (either Standard or Inclusive) and designed to give the additional benefits of full membership without having to pay a second full membership fee. Joint members have full voting rights at Club meetings and are eligible to serve on Club committees and their presence at meetings counts towards making that meeting quorate. They receive their own membership card and, if requested, an additional Blithfield sticker. They are not however sent their own copy of the Newsletter and Annual Report (for that a full Inclusive membership would have to be taken out).

All members are entitled to attend Club Indoor Meetings, Field Trips etc irrespective of their location and, apart from Joint spouse/partner members, receive a copy of the Club’s Annual Bird Report together with four issues of our Newsletter each calendar year. If you wish you can unsubscribe from the WMBC Newsletter or the WMBC Annual Bird Report at any time by informing the Membership Secretary by email or post that you wish to do so.

Regardless of when membership is taken out Membership renewals are due annually on Jan 1st

For that reason anyone joining in October or beyond in any calendar year and paying by standing order will have valid membership for the remainder of that year and the 12 month period of the following year (up to 15 months for the price of 12 in the first year of membership). Those joining online will have the same benefit if, on first renewal in January they set up a recurrent payment, as they will then receive a refund of their first recurrent payment. Due to the fixed date for renewal it is only possible to set up a recurrent payment during the renewal period. This is not possible at the time of joining.

WMBC also provide the option to access the WMBC Harborne Reserve only WITHOUT providing WMBC membership or its associated benefits. This is primarily intended for those who live locally to the reserve usually in Harborne and Edgbaston and is by issue of a Harborne Card Permit.

Standard Membership (Individual) - £20 per annum or Standard Membership (Joint) - £25 per annum

Caters for all those who do not wish to visit our reserves. The Joint version provides full membership for the spouse/partner.

Inclusive Membership (Individual) - £30 per annum or Inclusive Membership (Joint) - £35 per annum

Inclusive Membership (Individual) gives all the benefits of Standard Membership (Individual) with the addition of access to all four West Midland Bird Club reserves - Belvide, Blithfield, Harborne and Ladywalk. It also gives access to our reserves for the spouse/partner of the member and their children up to age 18, living at the same address. It does not however make the spouse/partner a full member of WMBC, for this Inclusive Membership (Joint) is required.

Young Birder Membership - Age 16-17 - £5 per annum

Children of members living at the same address are covered by their parent’s membership however those aged 16-17 can, if they wish, take out Young Birder Membership where, for an annual cost of £5, they would be Inclusive members in their own right and receive their own membership card, Newsletter and Annual Report. This category is also open to young people in this age bracket whose parents are not WMBC club members. Applicants for Young Birder Membership are required to provide their year of birth and their application should be supported by a responsible adult (in the case of the child of a member this would be their parent, otherwise a member of WMBC, teacher, youth worker or similar would be required).

18-23 Birder Membership - Age 18-23 - £10 per annum

This category has been introduced to encourage the involvement of birders in this age group in the facilities of the Club and its activities and provides all the advantages of Inclusive membership at a reduced cost. Applicants for 18/23 Birder membership would have to provide their year of birth.

WMBC Harborne Reserve Permit - £7.50 per annum

This provides access to the WMBC Harborne Reserve ONLY.

It does NOT provide WMBC Membership or any of its associated benefits.


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 2018

By applying for membership you are confirming that you consent to WMBC holding and processing the personal data you have given, to send you WMBC publications and to keep you informed about news, events and the activities of WMBC by the methods you have chosen.
On receipt of your completed form the contact details you have given will be entered onto the WMBC secure database and the choices you made will be flagged up so that you only get the contact you have given consent to.
You can withdraw or change your consent choices at any time by contacting the Club’s Membership Secretary.
Please note there are certain essential membership management issues (for example problems with payment of subscriptions, renewal reminders, etc) to which GDPR does not apply, it being concerned with unsolicited marketing communications, and regarding which we may need to contact members. This will normally be from the WMBC Membership Secretary and by email, as this is the most efficient and economical means of communication for the Club.
All general notice Emails sent out by WMBC include the opportunity to opt out from specific categories such as individual branch meeting reminders or from all general notice type Emails. These requests will be implemented on receipt.
You can also unsubscribe from the WMBC Newsletter or the WMBC Annual Bird Report at any time by informing the Membership Secretary by email or post that you wish to do so.

Any queries please email Michael Bevan, WMBC Membership Secretary at membership@westmidlandbirdclub.org.uk

Membership Secretary - Michael Bevan, 64 Brookfields Road, Ipstones, Stoke-on-Trent, ST10 2LY


Online Application – This is the Clubs preferred method of payment going forward. Please click on the “Online Application” link below and follow the application process online. You will need an email address and a debit or credit card (Visa, Maestro or Mastercard) to make payment. You will need to complete the WMBC application form pages after which you will be taken for payment to the “Worldpay” secure online payment system where you can make payment for the current year’s subscription.

Subscription renewal is due on January 1st  each year and at this time you will be able to create a login to perform online renewal. This can be with either a single payment for the new year or you can set up a recurring payment which will automatically renew each year on the anniversary of the date you set up this up. Please note renewal is due on January 1st and renewal should be done on or as soon as possible after this date during January to allow time for the Membership Secretary to process renewals and issue the new membership cards and passes before the reserve gate code change on March 1st.

Online Application for WMBC Membership & Harborne Permit 

Please note Harborne Permit applications are currently on hold due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Please register your interest by completing a paper application ONLY and do NOT apply online.

Paper-based Application – Please click on one of the links below to download a form.

Combined WMBC Membership & Harborne Permit Application Form (Print, complete & post)

Combined WMBC Membership & Harborne Permit Application Form (Download, complete on PC & email).

Please note this version requires Microsoft Office Word.

Redraft of our Club Rules - The Proposal


At the AGM proposals to amend the draft new rules will only be accepted for

discussion if they have been notified to Sue Judge, Deputy Club Chair, via

this email link deputy-chair@westmidlandbirdclub.org.uk by no later than

April 10th 2023 together with a brief explanation of why the amendment is

desirable. Proposed amendments will be publicised on this page of the

website for members to consider.

We now ask that you satisfy yourself that the proposed changes to our Rules (Our Constitution) are sound and to help you make that decision I set out the main differences between the two versions in our Spring Newsletter and again below explaining the reasons for the proposed changes. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to raise any issues at deputy-chair@westmidlandbirdclub.org.uk

Sue Judge, Deputy Chairperson

Proposed Changes - Clause by Clause

1. The Name of the Charity (previously Club) now gives details of our Charity status including number. Previously no mention was made of this status.

2. Charitable Objects - Previously headed Aims to conform with preferred wording of the Charity Commission

3. Powers - Preferred wording of the Charity Commission.  3.3 to 3.10 previously included under Aims and 3.1 previously included under Finance. No changes to these clauses.  3.2 a new clause Hold such investments as are permitted under the Charities Act 2011 or other permit-

ted charity investments. Such investments shall be held in the name of the Club. Previously funds had been held in saving schemes which did not protect them adequately. Some time ago this was rectified hence the needed addition.

4. Governance - items 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.5 Items moved from The Trustees clause. No change to these Items

4.4, After consultation with the MC, the Trustees shall determine the Club’s strategy, policies, land acquisitions and investments and approve development plans and associated budgets. 4.6, The Trustees may delegate spending powers to the MC. subject to appropriate conditions whether as to reporting or otherwise. 4.7, In addition to the powers set out in paragraphs 4.8, 4.9 and 6.4 the Trustees may delegate other powers and responsibilities, subject to appropriate conditions, to the MC.

4.8 The MC shall prepare an annual budget to be approved by the Trustees. and

4.9, The daily management of the Club, including the writing of development plans and their delivery, shall be in the hands of the MC within the budgets approved by the Trustees. All decisions and recommendations of the MC shall be reported as expeditiously as possible to the Trustees.

Are all items which have been agreed between the Trustees and the MC in recent time and are live but are currently unwritten. Including them formalises these procedures and makes them requirements.

5. The Trustees - No change to Clauses 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.7.1, 5.7.5 and 5.7.6. New points added

and changes suggested - 5.2 A person seeking election as an Independent Trustee must either be proposed as such by the existing Trustees or by no fewer than 10 members of the Club. In the case of a person who is not already a Trustee, notification of their proposal to seek election together with a brief CV and their consent to act as a Trustee must reach the Secretary not later than 35 days prior to the AGM.

5.3 Independent Trustees may not also be members of the MC. This has always been the case but including it clarifies the position and avoids misunderstanding.

5.4 In the current version Independent Trustees shall be appointed for a maximum of 9 years (3 terms of 3 years). As there is no reason in law for this restriction it is suggested that the restriction be removed as it is considered negative that someone who has served diligently for nine years is forced out of office on a technicality.

5.7.2. An addition Trustee meetings may take place in person or by electronic means if approved by a majority of those entitled to attend. Voting will be by show of hands. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote. This proved particularly useful during lockdown and continues to be so as our Trustees are spread out across all four counties.

5.7.3 The quorum for Trustee meetings shall be three, two of whom must be Independent Trustees and

5.7.4. If the number of Independent Trustees falls below three, one of the Executive Trustees shall forfeit the right to vote at Trustee meetings. This change would ensue that the Independent Trustees always retain a casting vote.

6. The Management Committee - Additional clauses

6.2.2. In the case of a person who is not already an Honorary Officer, notification of their proposal to seek election together with a brief outline of their reasons for seeking election must reach the Secretary not later than 28 days prior to the AGM. 6.2.3. Not later than 14 days prior to the AGM, the Secretary shall ensure that all nominations for election together with reasons for seeking election where appropriate, are posted on the Members page of the Club’s website. 6.2.4. Not later than 70 days prior to the AGM, the Secretary shall take all reasonable steps including by placing an announcement on the members page of the Club’s website to remind members, groups and branches of the timetable for nominations for election to the MC. 6.3.4. MC meetings may take place in person or by electronic means if approved by a majority of those entitled to attend. Voting will be by show of hands. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meting shall have a casting vote. All remaining clauses pertaining to the Management Committee to remain unchanged.

7. Membership - The only change here is to update the wording in clause 7.3 from “Standing Order” to read “an annual automatic recurrent payment”, which would still include standing orders should members wish.

8. Groups and Branches - Additional clauses in this section give more specific details as

8.3 Each branch or group shall have specific terms of reference to be agreed with the MC annually,

8.4. Each group or branch shall be administered by as many members as is deemed necessary to achieve its agreed objectives. A suitable person shall be nominated by the members of the branch or group to be responsible to the Club Treasurer for the disbursement and collection of group or branch funds. and

8.5 No branch or group shall be entitled to hold funds or receive financial support from the Club unless the Club Treasurer has full access to their bank accounts. All branches and groups shall submit annual accounts to the Club Treasurer in a format prescribed by him or her if required by to do so.

9. Finance - As referred to previously certain Financial clauses have been moved to more appropriate places earlier in the Rules. A change to clause 7.2.2 now reads Clause 9.2.2. The accounts, after being subject to audit or independent examination as appropriate, shall be posted on the Members page of the Club website no later than 14 days prior to the AGM and shall be approved by the members at that meeting. Members will be aware that our website does not currently have a members area however for some time our membership secretary has been working tirelessly on this and it should be up and running shortly and certainly in place long before our 2024 AGM so we can comply with this change.

10. General Meetings Clause 10.4 an addition, the previous rules make no reference regarding who should chair a General Meeting. “General Meetings shall be chaired either by the Chairperson of Trustees or an independent trustee nominated by the Chair of Trustees.” An addition to Clause 10.5 covers the use of the interned as with other meetings. “General Meetings may be conducted wholly or partly by means of electronic communication and Members present electronically as well as in person shall count towards the quorum and shall be entitled to vote”.

11. Alterations to the Rules - the following clause added to ensure that this is not overlooked. “A copy of the amended Rules shall be sent to the Charity Commission as soon after the vote as practicable”.

12. Dissolution of the Club - No changes to this clause.

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