West Midland Bird Club 
Studying Birds in Staffordshire, Warwickshire, 
Worcestershire and the West Midlands since 1929
Current Vacancies
1st March 2019
Kidderminster Branch Committee and helpers
The current committee of this popular and well supported branch are standing down at their AGM on 27th March 2019. The minimum requirement for the branch to function is
1. A chairperson
2. Someone to take responsibility for the branch accounts
3. Someone to book and liaise with the speakers
There is also currently a team of supporters who between them set up the PA system, put out and put away chairs, serve refreshments, etc. some of whom have indicated their willingness to continue in this capacity however if the branch is to continue serving refreshments more volunteers are needed.

Latest News On behalf of the Club’s management committee Sue Judge is supporting this branch until a new team can be established and is happy to report that following the branch meeting on 27th February we have a volunteer to Chair this branch who will also book the speakers for the autumn programme. We now need to build this team and require a treasurer to take responsibility for the branch accounts. If you would like to volunteer for this role or to support the branch in any other capacity please contact Sue at 
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